Quick Start Guide to SK Addin

SheetKraft Addin Installation

Step 1: Click on file and select Options

Step 2: Choose Add-ins

Step 3: In the Manage option, select excel add-in and click on Go.

Step 4: Tick the sheetkraft box and click on OK.

If it was disabled automatically, follow the first 2 steps but choose disabled items in manage and click on Go.

Then, Select Sheetkraft and click on Enable.

For more information on Sheetkraft addin Installation, click here


Here’s how the sheetkraft toolbar looks like:

Let’s go in detail about the tools:

Run Book: This option is used to run the book after adding all the sheetkraft formulas.

Formula: This is right next to the run book icon on the top, this is used to run the formula of a specific cell.

NOTE: This can be used only for SK Formulas.

Show Log: This shows the log of previous run books. If there is an error on some specific cell/formulas, it will show the cell reference and there will be three outcomes: Succeeded ( This will generate the output), Succeeded with warnings ( This will generate the output), Failed (This will not generate the output)

Settings: This has two options: Global and Formula.

Global: This has various settings as follows;

1. In the Database connections file, you can add the .config of the database that you want to connect to.

2. If you tick the checkbox in active workbook settings, it will show only the top few rows (around 10 rows) of every result in the workbook. This is selected when there are 1000s of rows, this helps to prevent slowing down the run time.

3. When you click on reduce file size, it will decrease the file size of the workbook. After clicking it, make sure to run the book in order to execute it.

Formula: This shows the formula that is used and if there is any error in the formula. The image below shows the dialogue box that will open.

NOTE: This works only for Sheetkraft formulas.

In the figure above, there is a drop down which has various options, you can use that to change the error type. It has the following:

Default: This will show all the errors and not generate the output.

Error: This is the default which means that errors will fail the activity and no outputs would be generated.

Warning: This will succeed with a warning that will pop up if there is any error.

Message: This will succeed and a message will pop up after running the activity/formula.

Ignore: This will entirely ignore all the errors/warnings and nothing will be shown.

Formula Explorer: When you click on this icon, it will open the UI of the formula that was used in the selected cell.

NOTE: If the UI is not present, it will show a drill down version, you can use this to debug the formulas. This shows SK as well as Excel formulas.

Flow Chart: This shows the entire chart and the flow of all the formulas that are used in the workbook. This is how the flow chart looks like:

Formula Table: This table shows all the formulas used in the workbook. This is how the table looks:

Import from: This has various sub-options.

Import from Excel: This helps to import data from an excel workbook.

Import from Text/CSV: This helps to import data from .txt/.csv file.

Import from Database: This helps to import data from the database.

Import from PDF: This helps to import data from a PDF file.

Import from Web: This helps to import data from the web.

Import from HTML: This helps to import data from HTML file.

Import from XML: This helps to import data from XML file.

Import from JSON: This helps to import data from JSON file.

Import from Email: This helps to import data from email.

  • Export: This has various sub options:

Export Sheets: This will export the selected sheets from the workbook into a new workbook.

Export to Word: This will export the desired output into a word file.

Export to Database: This will export the desired output into a database connection.

Export to Excel: This will export the desired output into an excel workbook.

Export to Text: This will export the desired output into .txt/.csv file.

Export to DBF: This will export the desired output into a DBF File.

Filter: This is used to filter/sort the selected data and get the desired output.

Fill: This is used to generate multiple values from an existing value.

Pivot/ Aggregate: This is used to extract significant data from a very large sheet/data.

Lookup: This is used to match/compare two tables and extract the desired output.

Remove Duplicates: This is used to eliminate repeated entries from the selected data.

Stack Rows: This is used to combine data horizontally/vertically.

Database Explorer: You can create a new table in the database by using this option. It will automatically create a query for the same and you can run the query to create the table.

Reshape: This returns an array of a desired size produced by arranging the values of the input array.

Case Gen: This returns all the possible combinations of the selected data range.

Get All Files: This returns all the file names and file locations of a specified folder. This is useful when you want to import from multiple files.

HTTP Request: This is used to connect to the web and get details from the specified link.

Format: This has various format/conditional formatting options for the excel data.

Web Actions: You can find the Send Email option in this. This is used to create an automated activity to send emails.

Extract Zip: This is used to extract all the files/folders from the zip file.

Define function: This takes some specific inputs, executes the desired formulas and generates the output. The idea is to put some commonly or repeatedly done task together and make a function, so that instead of writing the same code again and again for different inputs, we can call the function.

Define Activity:

Define Activity: This is used to publish the activity on the web. You need to choose the input (if any) for the activity, give a description, choose the output (if any) and then publish it on web>

Open Folder: This option will directly open the workbook related folder.

New Activity: This option helps in creating a new SK Activity. It is important to create the new activity choosing this option as it will automatically create the entire workbook related folder. You get an option to choose the schema and it will create the folder under the specified schema.

Manage Activities: This will show all the activities present in the web/local drive.You can open/create/publish/download activities through this option.

In the figure above, there are various options:

Refresh: This will refresh and show all the activities present.

Create: You can click on this button to create a new activity, you need to select a relevant schema and name the activity, it will create a folder relevant to the workbook under the specified schema.

Publish: By clicking on this button, you can publish your activity on the server, it is important to be logged in before publishing. You can check that in this dialogue box itself. It shows Offline/Logged in.

Download: The Manage Activity shows all the activities present in the server as well as your local drive. If you want to download any specific activity, you can select it and click on the download button.

Select: This contains a dropdown list which has All, None and Invert. All is used to select all the activities present in the manage activities, None is used to deselect the selections and Invert is used to invert the arrangement of the selected columns.

Schema/Group/Functions/Status: These have drop down lists of all the Schemas/Groups/Functions/Status present. You can filter out the activities using this. This makes it easier to find a specific activity or you can directly search by typing the activity in the search box provided next to the function option.

Login: You can login to the server using this option.

About: This has the license option in this. You can renew your license using this.

NOTE: There are various blogs related to sheetkraft on the site. You can click here to explore the blogs.