
Basic Filter

Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and applies a filter to get all the loans with interest rate greater than 8.

Custom Column

Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file. Report a custom column having one forth of amount for interest greater than 8.


1.Select Range and apply condition where interest is greater than 8.

2.Select custom column, mapping should be done to first cell of amount column and divide it by 4 (if $A$2 is starting entry cell of amount column then write $A$2/4)

3.Report the column name with 'Updated Amount'.

Contains Substring

Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and apply a filter to get all the Product having substring DEMAND only. (should not contain word similar to DEMANDED,DEMANDING).


Use the filter condition 'contains substring' and 'Text ends with' on product column to get desired output.

for solution click here.

Distinct dates

Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and apply a filter to get latest 3 distinct date for which data is available in sample file.


1.Use distinct option for date column in filter operation

2.Apply filter again, select top 3 rows and sort date in descending order.


Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and apply a filter to get all the entries which does not belong to the company name "LLOYD ELECTRIC & ENGINEERING" with interest rate greater than 7 or date less than 01-01-2020.


Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and apply a filter to get all the #NA in currency column and replace it with INR.

Text Matches Regex

Input: Sample file with base data.

Download sample input files here.

Goal: Setup a workbook formula that pulls the data from the sample file and apply a filter that matches a regex with dd-mmm-yyyy format in date column.

hint: Use the function 'text matches regex' in condition section. (regex string- ^\d{1,2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-\d{4}$).