Export Sheets
This function is used to export the contents of one or more worksheets to an external file.
SheetKraft contains the export sheets option which can be accessed by the Export Button present in the SheetKraft Toolbar (See figure).
The following guidelines describe how data can be exported to a particular workbook using Export Sheets.
Step 1:
Click on the Export Button and select the Export Sheets option to open this dialogue box.
Let us go through all the elements of the UI one by one:
File Format: If you want to change the file type of the file being exported. .xlsx is the only option available right now.
File Location: The path to which you want to export the file. If you want to export the file to the same folder as the process workbook then select the checkbox below the browse bar.
Replace file if exists: Export Sheets creates a new file with the specified worksheets. So, if this option is selected then the existing file would be replaced by the new file created. If you do not want the existing file to get completely replaced, then do not select this option. For example, the file being modified has 2 sheets A and B, we want to export a 3rd sheet C using export sheets. By selecting this option, the exported file will now only have sheet C but will have all 3 sheets if we do not select this option. If the existing file is password protected, then the password can be provided either in the text box or as a cell reference.
Save with Password: If we want to password protect the file being exported then provide the password in the text box or as a cell reference. If we are replacing an existing password protected file, then we have to provide the password in both the fields.
Active Sheet Name: Pass a cell reference containing the sheet name of the active sheet. The Active sheet may or may not be exported using the ExportSheets.SK function.
Export Type: This is used to choose the type of the data being exported. If the worksheet contains excel functions that have to be exported as is, then select the BuiltInFormulas button. If the data just contains values, then choose the Values button.
Step 2:
Click on the browse button as shown in the above picture and if the file location is relevant to the workbook’s location, click on the checkbox and browse for the relevant workbook to where the data is to be exported.
Step 3:
Select the sheet(s) which is to be exported. If you want to rename the sheet which is being exported, change it in the field shown in the figure.
Conditional Export: If there is a case when you do not wish to export if certain criteria are not met, then refer to the cell containing the condition evaluating to TRUE or FALSE in the condition tab.
Protecting Sheets: This is for password protecting a sheet.
Footers: This is for adding Footer Rows and Footer Columns in the sheet being exported.
Note: The Export Sheets formula cannot be written in the sheet that is being exported.
For doing formatting in your workbook, we have format functions that we use. Kindly note that these functions are only supported in export to sheets.