Join Text

JoinText.SK is used to append text strings within a range of cells into a single string while using some delimiter.

It takes the following arguments:

  1. Range: The range containing values that need to be joined.

  2. Delimiter: The character/string that needs to be used as a boundary between individual values in the joined text.

  3. Escape: Optional argument that accepts a boolean value to specify whether to [TRUE] exclude or [FALSE] include any characters that match the delimiter (argument 2) which may exist in the Range specified in the first argument. The default value is TRUE.

  4. Ignore_empty: Optional argument that accepts a boolean value to specify whether empty values within the range must be [FALSE] included or [TRUE] excluded in the output. The default value is FALSE.

Usage Example:

Note that the ‘Escape’ argument being TRUE by default caused the text that contained a delimiter character to be enclosed within double quotes. If it is changed to FALSE, the resultant output will be inaccurate:

Similarly, here is an example to explain the ‘Ignore_empty’ argument:

Similarly, here is an example to explain the ‘Ignore_empty’ argument:

In this case, there is an empty field that is being considered as a part of the range and hence, is included in the resultant joined-text.

However, in some cases, it may be required for such values to be ignored. The ‘Ignore_empty’ argument can be used to achieve that: