HTTP Request UI
HTTP Request
Http Request is used to download data from the Web.
Sheetkraft contains the HTTP Request option which can be accessed by the More Button present in the SheetKraft Toolbar (See figure).
The preview for Http Request UI is shown below
HTTP Request UI consist of following Parameters
● Session: First Http Request should always start with a New Session.
Session consist of following sub parameters
1. Session name: Proper Session Name must be provided. There is a SAVE CONFIG Button beside the Session name. On clicking the button a key will be generated with the same session name in httpsessions.config file. The config file is used to stop autoredirection and for proxy settings.
Below is the preview of httpSessions.config file after clicking the save config button.
1. Method: The Method we use in http request are GET and POST.You can identify the method used by opening developer tool in browser (F12) and using Network Tab.
2. Url: Url is where the request is passed to get the response. The Request Url in the url used to pass the request.
Below preview shows how to can get the method and request url from network Tab.
● Query Parameters: Query Parameters is used for Get Request.
We use URL Encode Function for taking parameter names and parameter values in separate arguments. This function is used by the HttpRequest UI to generate a formula with query parameters.
Below preview shows how to pass the parameters.
● Request Headers: Request headers contain more information about the resource to be fetched, or about the client requesting the resource.
Below is the preview of Request Headers used in HTTP Request UI.
Below preview shows how parameters are passed in HTTP Request UI.
After getting the File Path we can extract data using Data from HTML or Data From JSON.