Home Page
Once successfully logged in, the following screen will be displayed:
Fig 1.1: Activities page.
The screen can also have a message/warning/error if any as highlighted in the preceding figure. At the top right corner of the page, you will find the username of the person who is logged into the website, clicking on the vertical ellipsis besides the username, you will find the Change Password and Log out options as shown in the following figure:
Fig 1.2: Change password and logout options.
Change Password: If you want to change the current password, you can click on this option. It will redirect you to the change password page.
Log out: If you want to end the current login session, you can click on this option.
The Activities section has two options:
EXPAND ALL: This option allows you to expand all the schemas and groups to view activities/checklists.
COLLAPSE ALL: This option allows you to minimize all the schemas and groups that are expanded.
Following these options, are the time legends which indicates the log of activity execution in four ways each having a different color:
Fig 1.3: Time legend.
Green: Indicates the most recent day when the activity runs were executed.
Orange: Indicates the second most recent day when the activity runs were executed.
Blue: Indicates the third most recent day when the activity runs were executed.
Grey: Indicates the activity runs before third most recent day.
This can also be viewed in the activity/checklist sections as shown in the following figure:
Fig 1.4: Time legend in activities section.
The refresh button (highlighted in the figure Fig 1.3) is used to refresh the activities list.
Below the time legend is the list of schemas present, each schema further has list of groups, each group further has list of activities/checklist as shown in the following figure:
Fig 1.5: Activity.
Fig 1.6: Checklist.
A Checklist is a set of sequential activities.
Below the username, there is a Search option, which will allow you to search for an activity/checklist.
For example, if you want to search for a checklist called demo_chk, only those activities matching the search text will be displayed as shown in the following figure:
Fig 1.7: Searching activity/checklist.
The various options an activity/checklist includes can be viewed by clicking on the vertical ellipsis as highlighted in the following figure:
Fig 1.8: Button for more options in activity/checklist.
Fig 1.9: Options in activity/checklist.
The various options in activity/checklist are as follows:
Run: Allows to execute the activity.
View Last Run: Allows to check the details of the previous run of an activity.
View All Runs: Provides a list of all previous runs.
Edit: This option allows us to make any change in the activity, that is, change in the activity name, change in the group name, setting preset values and so on.
On the top-left corner, you can always find the Menu icon as highlighted in the following figure:
Fig 2.0: Menu icon.
Clicking this icon, will open the navigation drawer:
Fig 2.1: Navigation drawer.
The Activities menu in the navigation bar includes the following options:
Fig 2.2: Activities menu options.
Status: Provides a list of activities that are currently running.
New Checklist: Redirects to a page where you can create a new checklist.
Versions: Provides a list of activities that are published along with all versions available for download.
Purge Run Data: Deletes the data from the database in case of heavy input files.
The Security menu in the navigation bar includes the following options:
Fig 2.3: Security menu options.
Users: Provides a list of all the users. Users menu includes a New User option which allows you to create a new user.
Fig 2.4: Users menu options.
Roles: This provides a list of all the roles and users assigned to those roles.
Rights: This is used to assign rights to users and roles.
Security Matrix: This displays a table with information of all the rights assigned to different users and roles.
Security Actions: This displays a table with the list of changes done in Rights.
Renew License: To renew the expired license click on this option. It will redirect you to License Renewal page.